


Responsibly source electronic components and ensure component sourcing traceability with A2 Global. Our electronic component global sourcing hubs allow us to quickly access inventory in the global electronic component distribution market. Coupled with shorter lead times for orders, our strict vendor qualification standards give you fast, high-quality global sourcing you can feel good about.

Find what you’re looking for in A2 Global’s inventory file, which contains a complete list of in-stock electronic components. Search our inventory now.

    fast, responsible global electronic component distribution


    Our strict supplier rating system ensures we only source quality electronic components from approved suppliers. We focus on keeping our customer’s TCO (total cost of ownership) low by qualifying suppliers and ensuring delivery of quality electronic components on time, every time.


    When you submit your BOM to A2 Global, our proprietary BOM matching software scans our database of over 500,000 part numbers. We can quickly match your requirements or monitor, track, and benchmark any electronic components on your BOM.


    Our customer service centers provide round-the-clock support, every day. So no matter where you are in the world, our multi-lingual team is standing by to support your component sourcing needs. 

    source your electronic components from the global market

     As a leading electronic component distributor, A2 Global offers fast, traceable global component sourcing. Our offices across the world have strong relationships with regional suppliers — meaning your component procurement options just got that much broader.